Not only does it mean the weekend is nearly here, it also means its time for "Fill in the Blank" fun at Little Things We Do and "New Friend Friday" over at Girl Creative!
1.  The very best thing about the summer is: my backyard! Our yard just explodes with Irirs, day lilies, Black Eye Suzannes, humming birds, squirrels, chickadees and butterflies! Our veggie patch gives us food, or pool keeps us cool and sometimes we even get a deer or a bear wander into our neighborhood.

2.  My first crush ever was: A boy I met on Nanaimo, I don't remember his name. I was 9 or 10 and he was probably 16 or 17. He caught me a bull frog, taught me how to fish and brought me horse-chestnut necklaces. I thought he was a GOD. He thought I was a "cute kid".

3.  This may sound really silly but: I worry all the time that people are mad at me...

4.  I squeeze my toothpaste from: the middle, I am so not organized enough to be that squeeze-from-the-end-roll-up-as-you-go kind of girl
5.  My absolute favorite "comfort food" is: A WhiteSpot Triple-O burger...reminds me of being a kid

6.  A random fact about me is that: I like dark things...crows, ravens, skulls. But I am not goth, or emo, or angst or any of that shit. I think it is a waste of life! I'm just a sunny happy girl who thinks death is as cool as life.

7.  The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is: My blackberry. God bless Blackberry Messenger. My husband travels a lot for work, like A LOT! We use BBM to chat and send cute lil voice notes and pictures. His absence would be unbearable without it!

Thanks to The Little Things We Do for this weeks theme!
Now its time for "New Friend Friday!" This weeks question was "What is your favorite childhood memory?" For me it would be playing in my grandparents yard as a child. They had a bamboo forest and huge koi pond. I would build little forts amongst the bamboo and train the Koi to eat out of my hands and such on my finger tips. I loved that house and dream of it still to this day. It is also why I have the bamboo tattoo on my right arm!

What is your favorite childhood memory?
1.  My absolute favorite movie of all time is: Baz Luhrmann's version of "Romeo and Juliet". I have probably seen it a million times and I never get bored of it. It is a visual feast for the eyes!
2.  My favorite movie as a child was: "The Never Ending Story" I used to cry so hard when Artax died in the Swamp of Sorrows that my mom had to fast forward through the scene. I am nearly 30 now and I still get misty eyed

3.  The best movie quote ever is: "The condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You put one on, dance all night with a stranger and then throw it away. The condom, not the stranger. " Marla Singer - "Fight Club"
4.  My favorite actress is: Helena Bonham Carter particularly as Marla in "Fight Club"
5.  The movie I could watch over and over is: "300" it has it all! Action, drama, romance, history....and men dressed as Trojans. mmmmmmmmm
6. My favorite movie genre is: anything EPIC. Think big time epic action drama, particularly history. Give me some history, rich fabric, costumes, big sets, some tragic romance and I am a happy girl! (Braveheart, 300, Troy etc)

7. A movie I would like to watch this weekend is: anything that I can rent and watch in bed with my hubby! He is home after a 10 day work trip....there will be no leaving the house ;)

Thanks to "Little Things we Do" for this weeks theme!
1.  One song that always takes me back to my youth is: "Disconnected" by Face to Face and "Violet" by Hole
2.  My first concert ever was: New Kids on the Block....back when they were still cute

3.  If I could create my dream music festival I'd want these bands to be there: Led Zepellin, David Bowie, Paul Simon, Bob Marley, Nirvanna, The Beattles... 
4.  The best make-out/"boot knocking" song ever is: a song? Pffff I don't know how long you people knock boots for but in my house its a CD. And I have two faves for getting down. 1) Assian Massive and 2) Loveage: Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By   

5.  The best concert I've ever been to was: Michael Franti with Cat Empire at kool Haus in Toronto, Ontario.

6.  A memorable musical moment for me was: seeing Michael Franti perform on the beach in Bali, Indonessia.
7.  The song on my iPod that's getting the most play these days is: "Kandi" by One Eskimo and also "Sunrise" by Yeasayer
Thanks to Little Things We Do for creating this weekly blog share....